Tuesday, 11 November 2008

A Fox Might Bite My Bottom

It's not really a laughing matter, especially given that i am studying towards becoming a Psychotherapist and now have and even greater appreciation of the effect of fears and anxieties on human beings as entities, but i came across this article and found Charlie, 5's entry particularly sweet and endearing.

What children really fear

Elsie, 3 “I get scared when someone says they don't want to be my friend and they don't want to play with me any more.”

Charlie, 5 “In the daytime foxes have gone to bed but when they come out at night, a fox could bite my bottom.”

Millie, 5 “I am a bit scared of carrots. I used to be scared of pear but now I know it is nice.”

Maddie, 6 “I always tuck the duvet under my legs when I go to sleep because I don't want snakes to eat my feet. When I was little the snakes got in and ate my feet.”

Jess, 6 “In the night, when everyone's asleep, I can hear footsteps going up the stairs and I feel scared. I think there's kind of a monster creeping up the stairs.”

Josh, 8 “It's scary to think of the pollution destroying all the rainforest so the animals haven't got anything to eat and then the plants will die and the human race will die.”

Nye, 9 “I don't like burglars. When there's a loud noise upstairs I always think that there's a burglar breaking in.”

Ira, 10 “I'm scared of hookworms and tapeworms. I hate the thought of having one in my body because they worm their way into you and live inside you.”

Tula, 11 “I worry about all the people in Africa dying and I feel I should be doing something about it. I also worry about my house setting on fire.”

Lemar, 12 “I want to drive a car when I'm older, so I worry about petrol prices and more people driving electric cars which are really dangerous and will cause road deaths because people won't hear them.”

Amy, 13 “It scares me thinking that one day I might get so old that I lose my sense of humour and no one wants to be friends with me because I'm no fun.”

See the link below for the rest of the article.

Childrens fears may be fuelled by parents - Times Online


Jennifer A. said...

I laughed at Jess, 6. Well all the people going up and down the stairs at night are not monsters but either daddy and mommy coming back from work, or one of the sibs going to steal cookies from the fridge...

A fox might bite my bottom...lol...that's hilarious!

UndaCovaSista said...

Aw,bless her heart. I can just picture the poor girl shaking under the covers. poor thing.....

Naapali said...

Maddie, 6 “I always tuck the duvet under my legs when I go to sleep because I don't want snakes to eat my feet. When I was little the snakes got in and ate my feet.”

- Perhaps this happened when she got on a flight with Samuel L.?

UndaCovaSista said...

Perhaps! The only snakes in this country are the ones in glass enclosures in Zoos.

Aaaand, you didnt answer my question ;(

guerreiranigeriana said...

...really interesting...and quite endearing..

Shubby Doo said...
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Shubby Doo said...

thinking back to my childhood...i can relate with
#1 elsie
#4 maddie (only mosquitoes got in and bit me sha!)
#5 jess

as an adult...i am still scared about
#7 Nye
#8 Tula

bumight said...

josh is a nerd! who thinks of stuff like that at age 8?
Lemar is a geek! i mean common

tula is a mother theresa in the making!

and I'm scared of the same thing Amy is.

Ms Sula said...

It's so funny how the first and last comment refer to the same fear.

Inherently, we are all afraid to be alone.

Josh,8 expressed my fear of the moment.

Anonymous said...

josh is way too mature for his age... lol.good post though, rili cracked me up!lol

Naapali said...

- re your question; not biologically but self adopted.

UndaCovaSista said...

@guerreira - Yeah, kinda sweet. Good to see you're back on the block. How u been?

@shubby doo - hookworms and tapeworms? what have you been eating?! (or did i get that wrong)

@bumight - hmm, i know some old folk with pretty good sense's of humour.
On the other hand,i guess in the eyes of my nephews - 10 and 12, i dont have a sense of humour because i dont find fart jokes as funny as they do

@ms sula - That's so true. I guess that's one that never goes away.

@talesandtallies - Glad you liked it :), Thanks for stopping

@buki - I think that species that you refer to might be known as 'nigerian species'. Thanks for stopping by

@Naapali -Thanks. Was just being nosey..

Shubby Doo said...

hookworms ke? no...sweetie i got it wrong...simply couldn't count...~#8 was ira...meant to say ~#9 tula

Nigerian Drama Queen said...

"I get scared when someone says they don't want to be my friend and they don't want to play with me any more.”

Me too....

UndaCovaSista said...

@shubby - you had me worried there for a minute! Lol..

@NDQ - Awww, honey bunch...
I just say *%$& 'em and move on. Lol...(kidding...)